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We, the undersigned drivers, customers, and community supporters, call for:

  1. Full labor rights for platform drivers: these rights are guaranteed by state labor law  to all California workers, benefits such as unemployment insurance, workers compensation, and workplace safety standards.

  2. Preservation of flexibility and self-scheduling for all rideshare drivers.

  3. State and/or municipal regulation that guarantees a pay rate minimum of at least $1.75/mile & 60¢/minute to accomplish the following: 

    • Sufficient compensation to cover all time worked including a fair amount of wait time, as well as accounting for drivers’ high fuel and vehicle expenses, similar to current regulations in New York City.

    • Annual Cost of Living Adjustments: Rates adjusted annually based on cost of living increases & IRS mileage reimbursement rates.

    • Mandatory Minimums: Drivers guaranteed $5 for any passenger ride.

  4. A Commission Cap of 20%, ensuring that drivers receive 80% of the total fare paid by the passenger, protecting drivers ability to earn while  protecting customers from abusive pricing.

  5. Deactivation Protections/Transparency Standards: The adoption of just cause, fair hearings, and transparency standards in regards to deactivations (terminations) of app-deployed workers, including compensation for lost wages when found to be not at fault.

  6. Health Insurance Stipends: That drivers who work on a regular basis receive health insurance coverage as required by California law. 

We call upon our lawmakers to ensure fairness and dignity for all platform drivers, and to do so with common sense, simple, and tested regulation, built on the backbone of California’s strong labor rights. 

Read the Draft Regulations