Dignity for Drivers Petition

Prop 22 has failed California. With the company-written and backed law, rideshare drivers have seen a year-after-year fall in real wages, with many of us struggling to cover basic needs. What Californians need is a rideshare industry where drivers have the built-in benefits of full labor rights with new, smart regulation that ensures fair pay.  


As the California Supreme Court considers overturning Prop 22, California has the opportunity to make rideshare right. Drivers and customers are calling for simple, common sense regulation to make rideshare pay fair. 

Sign onto our petition, and demand dignity for drivers and regulation of rideshare drivers’ pay.


  • Driver Rate Card minimum of $1.75/mile & .60¢/minute.

  • Full labor rights for drivers to ensure benefits like unemployment are available to drivers.

  • Commission cap of 20% for companies, ensuring 80% of the fares paid by passengers go to their drivers (protecting passengers from price gouging!).

  • Protection of driver flexibility.

  • Protections from unfair deactivations/terminations of drivers.

Since 2020, Lyft and Uber have significantly increased prices for customers, while taking more than half of passenger fares, leaving drivers with less and less.  On average, drivers are making less than $6.20 an hour after expenses like gas, while having no access to safety-net benefits like workers comp, unemployment, or other labor protections. As passengers pay more, and drivers earn less, last year, Lyft and Uber CEOs were compensated with over $13 million and $24 million respectively, and Uber offered its first ever stock buyback


California can do better - sign the petition to be part of demanding what’s right.