July 21st Strike Media Kit

App-Based workers in California and around the country are striking on July 21st! In California, app based workers have been devastated by Prop 22, the rising prices in gas and costs of driving and declining rates and taking away our flexibility in the app makes earning a living wage nearly impossible. App-Based workers need basic labor rights and they need the PRO Act now! The PRO Act would give App-Based workers the right to organize and collectively bargain with Uber and Lyft. 

We are asking for supporters of Rideshare Drivers United and App-Based Worker Rights to help raise public awareness about our strike. 

How can you help? 
  1. Use the Facebook Profile Picture Frame for our strike
  2. Share on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook our national action flyer or the link for the STRIKE and join a rally if there is one in your city.
  3. Here are some hashtags/sample tweets:

    I support @_drivers_united in their fight for fairness and app worker justice! #strikeuberlyft

    I support @_drivers_united its time to expose the lies of Prop 22.

    I stand with @_drivers_united and support #PROAct4AppWorkers 
  4. Donate money to Rideshare Drivers United so we can continue building our independent union of drivers.